Monday, 23 August 2021

five fact poster about dolphins.

Kia ora bloggers,

Today we were learning about dolphins. We learnt this because it was a part of the learn create share. For this task we got to choose out of three things and I chose to do five fact posters about dolphins. I found it challenging to get five facts down and I enjoyed reading the book and watching the video because they gave me lots of information. Did you enjoy reading my blog post today?  Click here to see the video were we got the information from and click here to see the book called super senses.

1 comment:

  1. Tēnā koe Charlotte,

    What interesting facts you have found about dolphins. I didn't know they don't chew their food. I thought they might since they have 'teeth'. Next time it would be even better if you could add what you were learning (the WALHT from the slides).

    Haere rā,
    Miss Hickling


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