Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Do you know what a kereru is?

Kia ora bloggers,

Today I was learning about Maui. Do you know who Maui is? For this task we had to choose between four options and I chose one which was to draw a kereru. I enjoyed learning about kereru because I have never learned about them before and I found it challenging to blend in with the felts and draw the kereru. Did you enjoy reading my blog post today? Thank you for looking and reading my blog post today.


  1. Hi Charlotte,
    Fantastic Kereru drawing, that must of taken a long time.
    We have a two Kereru in our garden most days, very special NZ birds.
    Keep up all the great blogs.
    Mrs McCormack

  2. Hi Charlotte,

    Yes, I know what a kereru is and I think they are beautiful native NZ birds. Your drawing looks stunning and the colours you have used make it very vibrant. I would love to know some of the facts you learnt about the kereru yesterday.

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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