Tuesday, 24 August 2021

faith synonyms

Kia ora boggers,

Today we have been learning about faith and what it means. Do you know what faith means? For this task we had to watch a video about the gospel reading and then we had to click on he link that takes us to word cloud. Once we were on word cloud we had to think of some faith synonyms and write them into the page. I enjoyed doing the word cloud and finding out how to work it and I found it challenging to find lots of synonyms. Did you enjoy reading my blog post today? if you look closely you will see that the word are in a shape of a little cross. Thank you for reading my blog post today.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlotte,

    I like that you shaped your word art into a cross. Very thoughtful. The words you have used reflect faith and trust well. Nice work. How do you show your faith?

    Ma te wa,
    Miss Hickling


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