Thursday, 2 September 2021

Making a time table

Kia ora bloggers,

Today we were doing maths. For this task we had to watch a video, do a kahoot and make a time table. The time table went up to 10. I enjoyed making my first timetable and I found it challenging to write the numbers into the table. Did you enjoy reading my blog post today? Please tell me, have you ever made a time table before?


  1. Morena Charlotte,

    I really admire the times table chart that you have made. I thought the colours you used made it look different. Next time you could change the fonts to make it a bit different. Have you ever made a times table chart before? I haven't.

    Ngā mihi,
    Miss Hickling

  2. Hi Charlotte, my name is Mila and I go to New Windsor School. I think your times table chart is cool and really colourful. Is this your first time making a times table chart? I don't think I have made a times table chart before. Did you enjoy doing the Kahoot?

  3. Kia ora Mila,
    Yes this is my first time making a timetable chart. And I very enjoyed doing the kahoot. Have you ever done a kahoot before? thank you for visiting my blog.

    ma te wa Charlotte G


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