here is one colouring
here is my second colouring.
and here is my christmas themed colouring.
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Today I was learning about parihaka. We learnt this because on the friday of that week it was the day that parihaka happened. For this task we had to find team and make a skit or a play about parihaka. It took everybody a while to make a play and it also took quite long to make a video because everybody needed to know there part. I found enjoyed learning about parihaka because it never new what it meant and I found it challenging to do the video and know what part your doing. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post today about parihaka.
Her is my parihaka video.
Kia ora bloggers, Today we were learning about narrative writing. for this task we had to watch a video that told us what we could write about. we planned our writing and published it on to a computer. Then we started editing the writing. I hope you enjoy reading my narrative writing about a Christmas holiday.
here is my narrative writing.